The United States Practical Shooting Associations (USPSA) is the premier competitive shooting organization in the world.
Practical shooting is an exciting and fun sport. Like any sport, it takes time and practice to become proficient, but there will be times when your progress is rapid and it’s easy to remain focused on your goal. Consistent practice will take you where you want to go.
1st Saturday & Sunday and 3rd Saturday & Sunday of the month
Please unbag and rebag your PCC’s at the berm or at the start position.
Registration @ 8:30am; Shooters Brief @ 9:00am

Tuesday Night Steel is an all steel match loosely based on the USPSA handbook. These are fast stages and will provide you with experience and skill development which you can apply in competition. You will shoot 4 stages, and it will take approx 1- 1.5 hours depending on the number of competitors.
Round count is generally held to about 20 per stage, so there will be about 80 required hits to complete this match. Plan on bringing 120 rounds to account for misses, if you need to reshoot a stage, and to participate in an after match activity (skill challenge, shoot offs,…) as time allows.
TNS – Every Tuesday – Registration 3pm to 6:00pm – Last Shots 7:15pm
Please unbag and rebag your PCC’s at the berm or at the start position.

Steel Challenge Shooting Association (SCSA) is a fun, yet challenging, practical shooting sport. While other popular shooting sports have a strong focus on shooting while moving, Steel Challenge primarily focuses on shooting in one place, at a set of steel targets, as quickly as you can – it’s commonly called “drag racing” of the shooting sports. It’s a great way to develope your shooting fundamentals and race against a clock.
2nd and 4th Saturday & Sunday of the Month
Registration @ 9:30am; Shooters Brief @ 10:00am
Please unbag and rebag your PCC’s at the berm or at the start position.

The Concealed Carry match is your opportunity to develop your concealed carry skills and hone-in your draw, speed, and accuracy.
The match follows the Steel Challenge Match on the 2nd Sunday of each month.
A maximum of 10 rounds will be required to complete each stage (minimally 5 shots if K-Zone is hit on all targets)
Firearms must be fully concealed under clothing like t-shirts, hoodies, and sweaters. No open-front garments like jackets or vests).
No PCC division (sorry, no concealed MP5Ks!)
No walk-throughs

NRL.22 monthly matches have seven divisions – Open, Base, Young Guns, Ladies, Air Rifle, Old Guns, and Adaptive. Competitors must pick one division to shoot at the beginning of a local monthly shoot or the National Championship. The competitor is only eligible for placement in the division in which they signed up.
NRL.22 Matches are held at the Mountain Man Venue
2nd Saturday of the Month
7:30am set-up; 8:15am registration & sighting-in; 9:00am first shots

PCSL 2-Gun Match
4th Saturday & Sunday of each month
8:30am registration; Shooters meeting 9:00am
Please contact Aaron Brekke at for further match information

The United States Practical Shooting Associations (USPSA) is the premier competitive shooting organization in the world.
Practical shooting is an exciting, fun, safe sport. Like any sport, though, it takes time and effort to become proficient. Like any sport there will be times when your progress is rapid and it’s easy to remain focused on your goal. Consistent practice will take you where you want to go.

Tuesday Night Steel is an all steel match loosely based on the USPSA handbook. These are fast stages and will provide you with experience and skill development which you can apply in competition. You will shoot 4 stages, and it will take approx 1- 1.5 hours depending on the number of competitors.
Round count is generally held to about 20 per stage, so there will be about 80 required hits to complete this match. Plan on bringing 120 rounds to account for misses, if you need to reshoot a stage, and to participate in an after match activity (skill challenge, shoot offs,…) as time allows.
PCSL is the next-generation, flexible, open-source league for hit factor matches, with several match formats to pick from:
1-Gun Pistol And PCC
2-Gun (Pistol + Carbine/PCC)
3-Gun (Pistol + Carbine/PCC + Shotgun)
…or any combination of the above in a single match!

The Steel Challenge Shooting Association (SCSA) is a fun and simple practical shooting sport to try as a beginner. While other popular shooting sports have a strong focus on shooting while moving, Steel Challenge primarily focuses on shooting in one place.
This makes it a fun, easy way to help develop shooting fundamentals and race against a clock. As long as the shooter can safely handle and shoot their gun, the accuracy will follow!

The Concealed Carry match is your opportunity to develop your concealed carry skills. Hone in your draw, speed, and accuracy.
The match follows the PCSL 1-Gun format with the following modifications:
A maximum of 10 rounds will be required to complete each stage (minimally 5 shots if K-Zone is hit on all targets)
Firearms must be fully concealed under clothing like t-shirts, hoodies, and sweaters. No open-front garments like jackets or vests).
No PCC division (sorry, no concealed MP5Ks!)
No walk-throughs

NRL22 monthly matches have seven divisions – Open, Base, Young Guns, Ladies, Air Rifle, Old Guns, and Adaptive. Competitors must pick one division to shoot at the beginning of a local monthly shoot or the National Championship. The competitor is only eligible for placement in the division in which they signed up.